Diagramo is an online flowchart software

It's FREE and Open Source ( GPL )
It's pure HTML5
Share and collaborate
Export to PNG, Gif and JPEG
Life time support & storage
Based ONLY on HTML5. No Flash, no Java or other plugins.
Customize it!
Take the sources and tune them to your needs.
Share and collaborate
Share diagrams with other teammates. Or make them public if you want.
Free! GPL!
Yes, it's a GPL application. You can tinker with its code and improve it.
Install it on your server
Download it and deploy it on your server. All you need is PHP based webserver.
PNG Export to PNG and JPEG
You can export diagrams in PNG of JPEG format.

Browse all public diagrams added (Browse all..)

Diagram #6


Diagramo 2.1

Word Trade Organization

File uploads
